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Random Comments 4

Entry 830, on 2008-08-11 at 21:37:31 (Rating 4, Comments)

George Bush says that the violence in Georgia is unacceptable. Well he would know I suppose since he has initiated more violence in the world than anyone else I can think of in recent times. I mean, does he not see the irony in advising other countries to avoid war when he has started a couple himself? That's the problem with fanatics: they just can't see their own actions the same way as they do everywhere else.

The National Party here in New Zealand has dredged up the old topic of forcing beneficiaries to work for their benefits. Superficially this seems like a good idea. After all, why should they get money for doing nothing? Well yes, in a simplistic world that might seem reasonable but the reality is somewhat different. Who will administer this scheme and how much would it cost? What happens if they don't do the job well? And what about real employees whose jobs are being taken by beneficiaries? This is really just a political ploy to appeal to the conservatives who don't really think these things through.

Apparently mourners at a site where 17 Catholic pilgrims were killed in a bus crash believe it was a tragedy sent by God to strengthen their faith. Well I guess they would have to say that, wouldn't they. I mean God always does the right thing even when he does the wrong thing - at least when you don't spend any time using the brain that God allegedly gave you. Pathetic.


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