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Camera Update

Entry 159, on 2005-04-14 at 15:23:34 (Rating 1, Science)

I've been using the Canon PowerShot G6 digital camera now for over 4 months and have taken over 1600 photos with it, so I thought it was time to do a report on it to update my blog comments of 12 December 2004.

The only issues I have with the camera really are the size - its not as easily transportable as some other compact digital cameras have owned - and the auto-focus system, which sometimes has trouble focussing on low contrast objects, and in low light situations. I put up with the camera being a bit bigger because its worth it to get the features. And I use the manual focus (which is extremely good) in situations where focus is unreliable.

The best features are the quality of the lens, the excellent battery life, and the great layout of the controls. In all the time I've used the camera I've only recharged it about 4 or 5 times, which is truly amazing compared with older models.

In extreme situations, for example sunsets involving high contrast images, the quality of the lens really shows, with very low colour fringing and excellent detail. The speed of f/2 is also useful in low light situations.

Finally - as I mentioned in my first blog entry - using the features of this camera is easy because the controls are so brilliantly designed. With lesser cameras, even if they have the features, I tend not to use them because they are too hard to access.

With the relentless progress of technology, 7 megapixel cameras are now quite common, but there are still very few compact cameras which can match the G6 in terms of functionality and quality, in my opinion.


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