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Entry 12, on 2004-08-10 at 08:08:22 (Rating 2, Politics)

On the news today we heard that the general manager of Christchurch (a city of around 360,000 in New Zealand) Hospital has resigned, mainly because the hospital can't be managed efficiently on the funding available.

Everyone keeps saying "we can't afford all the health care we need" but I say "why not?". We should be finding a way to make it happen. Money is wasted on so many other things. Aren't peoples' lives important enough? If the current system doesn't work let's change it to make it work.

Of course a lot of people get rich out of our current capitalist system and they don't want to see it change. A few people dying through lack of funding in a rich country like NZ doesn't worry them. Of course its a lot worse in the USA!


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