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Another Attack

Entry 105, on 2004-12-22 at 16:18:17 (Rating 4, Politics)

Another serious attack has been reported in Iraq. This time, at least 14 US soldiers were amongst the casualties. Total deaths was 24. If you look at the statistics for casualties recently its obvious the US' strategy isn't working.

The casualty rate last month was the highest since the first few weeks of the war, and the rate this month is among the higher figures as well (casualty figures are shown at this site: I hear reports from the US that people are starting to get really concerned about this. Well its too late, they have already voted for Bush... or did they?

There's some interesting information around showing highly suspicious aspects of the latest election. We all know Bush didn't really win the first election, now it looks like he stole the latest one as well. I'll probably say more about this in a future blog entry.

It really bothers me that the US feels justified in spreading the great promise of democracy throughout the world (that's their latest excuse for invading Iraq anyway, now that weapons of mass destruction no longer holds up to scrutiny) when they are barely a democratic country themselves.

So the hypocritical US feels its OK to comment on election irregularities in places like Ukraine, but maybe they should be looking a bit closer to home first.

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